Question: How To Use PowerShell Remoting

Answer: Powershell Remoting is a new feature that was introduced with PowerShell 2.0 which allows you to remote control another computer using PowerShell.

As Powershell 2.0 making inroad with Windows 7 and Windows 2008 R2 many people are asking how can I use it.

Well the answer very simple if you are using Windows 7 and Windows server 2008 R2 because its already loaded and you don’t have to download anything.

If you are using an Windows server 2003/2008, Windows XP or Vista use the link below to download PowerShell 2.0 and install it on your computer.

Download link:

The following steps will show you how to configure your computer to accept Powershell connection and how to connect to a remote computer.

On the computer that you will connect to type:

Winrm quickconfig

Press y to accept powerShell connection.

On the computer you are going to connect from type:

Enter-pssession –computername ex2010mbx

Now you are connected to ex2010ex and you can type any commend you like.

To exit the shell just type Exit-pssesion