Manage Computers Using Active Directory Group Policy Module

In my ninth article In the series on Active Directory PowerShell Module shows how to manage Active Directory using PowerShell I’m going to explore the usage of the Get-ADComputer and Set-ADComputer cmdlet and will show you how mange single and multiple computers.

The most basic cmdlet In the module will show you how to get a list of all the computer In the domain using PowerShell.

Get-ADComputer -Filter * | ft

You can also Import users from a CSV file and get Info about them:

Import-Csv .\computers.csv | foreach{ New-ADComputer $_.pc -PassThru}

To create multiple computers In a specific OU use:

Import-Csv .\computers.csv | foreach{ New-ADComputer $_.pc -Path "ou=dev,dc=test,dc=local" -PassThru}

To delete multiple computer from a CSV file use:

Import-Csv .\computers.csv | foreach{ remove-ADComputer $_.pc -Verbose -Confirm:$false}

To set Value to multiple computers use:

Import-Csv .\computers.csv | foreach{ set-ADComputer $_.pc -Location "West Data Center" -PassThru }
Import-Csv .\computers.csv | foreach{ set-ADComputer $_.pc -ManagedBy "David" -PassThru }
Import-Csv .\computers.csv | foreach{ set-ADComputer $_.pc -AccountExpirationDate "09/09/2019" -PassThru }

To change the description of multiple computer from a CSV file use:

Import-Csv .\computers.csv | foreach { Set-ADComputer $_.pc -add @{description="South DC"} -PassThru }

To reset values (set to null) use:

#Import-Csv .\computers.csv | foreach { Set-ADComputer $_.pc -Description $null -PassThru }

Don’t forget to read the previous article In the series Search For Locked Users And Expired Users Using Active Directory PowerShell