How To Update The Windows Nano Server 2016 Package Provider Module

In this articles, I’ll show you how to update, Uninstall and Install the Windows Nano Server 2016 package provider using the Microsoft PowerShell 5.0 Package management module.

The Nano Server Package Provider, NanoServerPackage Is the provider that enables us to Download and Install Roles, Features and Packages for Windows Nano Server like Hyper-V, DNS, etc.

Because Nano Server Is so light managing packages using the provider Is Very Important part of Nano Server otherwise, the task of adding roles and features can become very complex.

The concept of Online Package Management Is new for Microsoft and was first Introduced with the release of PowerShell 5.0.

To update the NanoServerPackage I’ll use the cmdlet below:

Update-module nanoserverpackage

The above cmdlet will update the module to the latest version.

To update the module to a specific version use the cmdlet below:

Update-Module nanoserverpackage -RequiredVersion

To get the version number of the Installed module use:

Get-PackageProvider nanoserverpackage

To uninstall the module use the cmdlet below:

Uninstall-Package nanoserverpackage -Force

To Install the module on a new Server or Install it uninstalling it use the code below:

Save-Module -Path "$env:programfiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\" -Name NanoServerPackage -minimumVersion

Next, Load the module to the PowerShell session:

Import-PackageProvider NanoServerPackage