New Windows Server Insider Preview Build 16267 Released

Today, Microsoft released another Windows Server Insider preview build 16267 with new RSAT tools for management.

This build follows the last release (16257) that was released on 9th of August and also makes it release number 3 in the series of releases.

The recommended Installation method is a clean install and there is no upgrade option.

I know that many people are very frustrated with the every time there is a new build release they need to redownload the image, create a new VM and install it which takes around two hours to complete, not to mention If you need to enable roles and services like Windows Containers.

I’m sure that process will get better In the future and be similar to Windows 10 one day.

You can download the build from the URL below ( make sure you sign in the to the Server Insider preview, see link in the end of the post for more info)

This build doesn’t Include new features however, these are the main features you should be aware of.

  • Data Deduplication available for ReFS
  • SMB 1 disabled by default
  • Shielded Linux VM

The new build also offers new Windows Nano Server Container Image which IS 70% smaller than the current version and will also mark the start of Nano Server becoming a Container OS only In the next major release.

To get started with Server Insider please visit the previous article in the series published on this blog.