DevOps – Zoom In and Out in Visual Studio 2017 And 2019

In this blog post, I will show you how to Zoom in and out of Visual Studio 2017 and 2019 main code screen.

I know that most of the time, I blog about the more technical stuff; however, it happened to me a few times, and I decided to document it.

A few weeks ago, while working on VS 2019, I was trying to zoom in from the main screen and found that the task is not very intuitive.

Zoom In and Out

Visual Studio made this simple task a bit hard to find, and in the screen below, you can see the zoom option.

I didn’t notice it initially and was looking inside the view screen.

Below you can see the Zoom option that allows you to zoom in and out.

If you can’t see it, you need to enable from the options menu as you will view in the next section.

If you can’t see the zoom menu, use the options menu to enable zooming.

Options -> Text Editor -> All languages -> Scroll Bars

Make sure both options are ticketed.

You can also use the following shortcut utilizing the keyboard and mouse.

Ctrl + mouse wheel