How to Monitor Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

In this article, about Azure Kubernetes Service (ARS) I will show you how I monitor my AKS cluster, Nodes and containers.

In the last few weeks, I have shown you how to create an AKS Cluster, Use the UI, deploying containers using a .YAML file and using the Dashboard UI interface.

Now it’s time to show you how to monitor everything from the new Health Monitoring dashboard and completely cover the deployment.

By default, Monitoring is not enabled on AKS and you can either enable it from the portal or from the Azure CLI command line using the code below.

If not enabled run the command below from Azure CLI

az aks enable-addons -a monitoring -n MyExistingManagedCluster -g MyExistingManagedClusterRG

Get Started

To get started and start monitoring my AKS cluster, I will use the Azure Portal -> Kubernetes Services and select my AKS Cluster

From my AKS cluster page, I will select Health (Preview) which is a new service and still in preview mode buy is 100% usable

As you can see below, I can monitor my Nodes, Controllers and Containers from a single screen

If I click on Nodes you can see that I have only one Node in my cluster with 17 containers running and utilising 21% CPU.

If I click on Containers I can see all of them and how much CPU they are using and also search for a specific container.


Microsoft made a great work with its AKS monitoring, the interface is easy to use and give 100% visibility into all the cluster components without using multiple screens, etc.

About AKS

Released a few weeks ago and currently, in public preview, AKS offers a managed Kubernetes cluster that can be scaled up and on-demand without needing to configure Containers, host, storage networks etc.