Find AWS S3 Bucket Size Using AWS CLI

This blog post will show you how to find the size of an AWS S3 bucket size using AWS CLI.


With the AWS CLI S3 module, we can operate, deploy and manage S3 Buckets without login into the AWS console.

In the following example, I will run an AWS CLI command to retrieve all the buckets that I have. From the list, I will note one bucket name and check its size.

List Buckets

To list all your AWS buckets using AWS CLI, run the following command.

aws s3 ls

Check Bucket Size

From the list, I will note one bucket name and check its size using the following command.

aws s3 ls s3://mybucketname --recursive --human-readable --summarize

The output should look like this.

Total Objects: 3929
Total Size: 970.4 MiB