Why Use Docker Compose

Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, Docker Compose is the perfect tool for making it easier to work on projects with containers.

It helps developers avoid issues with finding out how to do something they’ve never done before. It also simplifies project organization and deployment by providing an easy way to bring all related containers together in one place.

Manage Multiple Containers

Docker Compose can be used to manage multiple containers at once. For example, you could use it to bring all the containers needed for a project under one file. It also provides tools for configuring and running containers easily. Common use cases are running web applications like WordPress.

Using docker compose has a number of advantages. You can use it to run all the containers for an application in one place. This makes it easier to manage and configure those containers as well as optimize them with tools like Compose’s built-in volume management. It also helps organize your project, simplifying deployments by allowing you to bring related containers together.

Docker Compose is configured in a simple YAML file. Below is an example of configuring a three-container project, with Nginx serving web pages to the public, MySQL running the database and PHP handling requests for both Docker Compose by reading them from links or port mappings, which you could

The most common use case for docker-compose

The most common use case for docker compose is for developers who want to configure and launch their application services in a single, clean file. For example, if you wanted to run three different applications on one machine, you could create a docker-compose file that contains the configuration and launch commands.

The docker compose file would describe the containers and how they should be configured. You can then use that single file to launch all of your desired services at one time, with a single command. For example:

docker-compose up [-d]

This would create and configure the required application services using the configuration described in the docker-compose file. You can pass “up” the optional parameter “-d” to run the stack in detached mode, so that you are able to continue using your shell.

Additionally, if you have a lot of services running on one machine, it may be beneficial to use docker compose’s restart policy instead of specifying individual service restart values. The restart policy specifies the number of seconds that must pass before a container is automatically restarted, along with other useful properties. For example, you could create something similar to the following docker-compose.yml file:


Docker Compose provides tools for managing multiple containers, The most common use case for docker compose is to create a development environment that can be used by programmers. This blog post has introduced you to the basics of Docker Compose and how it might work in your workflow.