How To Use Docker Networking

The article will list the available networking options, the structure of the docker network command, and some examples of how to use it.

Docker is a containerization tool that allows you to break down your application into discrete components. This includes not just the code for your application, but also any dependencies it might have with other applications or libraries. The benefits of this are numerous: if one component becomes compromised, it won’t affect others; if you need more resources for one part of an app, you can allocate them without affecting the rest; and so on. But what about networking? How does docker handle networks?

Docker handles networks by creating a virtual “bridge” interface on your host machine to handle routing between containers. Docker’s networks are designed to be simple to use, but you will need to take some considerations into account before deploying your application. The first thing you should do is create the bridge with the docker command:

docker network create –driver bridge my-network 

Types of Docker Network Drivers

Docker offers two types of networking using a driver type, the types are bridge and overlay.

Bridge networks are typically used when you want to connect multiple containers on one or more hosts. They are typically used in cases where the containers are on the same host, but they can also be used when containers are spread across multiple hosts. The bridge network creates a layer of abstraction between the physical network and the containers. The Bridge network has only one interface and is connected to a bridge driver which creates a virtual link with the physical network.

Bridge networks require each container to use its own IP address, but overlay networks share an IP address for all of the containers on that network. Overlay networks were developed for Docker and largely replaced bridge networks because they offer better performance and can’t cause problems with DHCP compatibility like bridge networks do.

Docker network

The Docker CLI offers the following commands to manage networking components.

Create a network (use bridge or overlay)

docker network create --driver bridge my-network

View networks available on the host

docker network ls

Inspect an existing network

docker network inspect my-network

This is probably one of the most important commands and it connects a docker container to a network.

docker network connect my-container my-network

Disconnect a container from a network

docker network disconnect my-container my-network

Delete unused networks

docker network prune

Delete a docker network

docker network 


Docker networking is the best way to create a containerized environment for your website. The docker network command can be used to specify how containers communicate with each other, and it’s important that you take this into consideration before creating your setup.

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