Update Ansible to the Latest Version With PIP

Running Ansible is a great way to automate your IT infrastructure. Ansible can be used in both production and development environments, and it’s easy to install on Linux, macOS, or Windows. Ansible also has an active community which means that you have access to new modules as soon as they are released!

This blog post will show you how to update Ansible so that it is running the latest version of Ansible.


Python pip is a tool used to install and manage software packages written in Python. It can be used to install Ansible, which is a tool used for automating software deployment, configuration management, and orchestration.

The following two commands will update Ansible and Ansible Core to the latest version.

pip install ansible
pip install ansible-core

After the update, I can check the version using the following PIP command.

pip list

To upgrade Ansible from version 2.9 to 2.10 visit this blog post.