Kubernetes Objects from A to Z

In Kubernetes, objects are the basic components of the system. There are six types of objects: Pods, Services, Replication Controllers, Deployments, Volumes and Secrets.

Each type of object has a specific function in Kubernetes. In this article, we will explore each type of object in detail.

introducing Kubernetes Bbjects and Their Functions

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized apps. It claims to offer a distributed computing platform with comparable characteristics to those of containers.

As such, Kubernetes provides a mechanism for deploying and running applications in containers.

Here is an overview of how it does that: Kubernetes programs are made up of objects, which may be grouped together to make higher-level abstractions. For example, replication controllers and pods (described soon) provide ways to manage sets of containers.

Kubernetes offers some fundamental object types, like pods or replication controllers (which make it possible to orchestrate the deployment of multiple containers as a single system) and services (virtual IP addresses for accessing services running inside Kubernetes).


A pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes and it is made up of a group of one or more containers. All containers in a pod share a network namespace and storage volume.

One use case for pods would be to represent the web application tier of an architecture. In this case, you might have one container for your web server and another for your database. Containers inside a pod can communicate with each other using localhost, which makes it easy to test and debug your application.


Kubernetes Services provide a way to expose one or more pods to the outside world. A Service will create a virtual IP address and DNS name that can be used to access the services running inside of Kubernetes.

Services are important for two reasons:

First, they make it possible to access the services running inside of Kubernetes from outside of the cluster. This is useful for debugging applications or for accessing logs and metrics from your services.

Second, Services act as a load balancer for the pods that they expose. This means that Kubernetes will automatically send traffic to the appropriate pod based on availability and health checks.

Replication Controllers

Replication controllers are one of the most important objects in Kubernetes. They allow you to easily create and manage multiple copies of a pod. This is useful for ensuring that your application is always up and running.

Replication controllers are also responsible for scaling your application up or down. When the load on your application increases, Kubernetes will automatically create more copies of your pods. And when the load decreases, Kubernetes will automatically remove excess pods.


Deployments are the next level of abstraction above replication controllers. They provide a higher-level way to manage your applications.

Deployments allow you to declaratively specify the desired state of your application. Kubernetes will then automatically manage the replication controllers and pods necessary to achieve that state.

This makes deployments a very powerful tool for managing your applications. You can use them to, for example, upgrade your application without affecting users.


Volumes are an important part of Kubernetes, as they allow you to persist data outside of your containers.

A Volume is a logical unit of storage that is attached to a pod. All containers in a pod can access the contents of the Volume.

There are two types of Volumes: Persistent Volumes and PVCs

Persistent Volumes are created and managed by the Kubernetes cluster administrator. This means that you don’t need to worry about creating or deleting Volumes. Kubernetes will take care of everything for you.

PVCs are created and managed by the user. This means that you can create and delete PVCs as needed. You can also attach


Secrets allow you to store sensitive data, like passwords or API keys, inside of Kubernetes.

Secrets are stored in a special Volume that is inaccessible to normal users. Only the Kubernetes API can access the contents of a Secret Volume.

This makes Secrets a safe way to store sensitive data. But it also means that you need to carefully control access to the Kubernetes API if you use Secrets.


Kubernetes objects are the basic components of Kubernetes. There are six types of objects in Kubernetes: Pods, Services, Replication Controllers, Deployments, Volumes and Secrets. Pods can be used to represent application tiers and contain multiple containers. Services allow you to expose one or more pods to the outside world. Replication Controllers are one of the most important objects in Kubernetes. They allow you to easily create and manage multiple copies of a pod. Deployments provide a high-level way to manage your applications. Volumes are an important part of Kubernetes, as they allow you to persist data outside of your containers. Secrets are a safe way to store sensitive data.