Deploy Containers on Azure In Seconds Using Azure Container Instances

Today, Microsoft Azure released a great feature and first in Its kind, You can now Create Containers directly from Windows Azure using Cloud Shell.

The new feature named, Azure Container Instances (ACI) , allows us to deploy Containers directly from the Windows Azure portal using Cloud Shell and have a Container up and running In less than 20 seconds.

The great thing about this is that you don’t need to create a virtual Machine, a Container Host, pull Images, etc, Everything Is done by Azure In a single Azure CLI cmdlet.

It’s Important to note that at this stage you can only run Linux Containers and very soon we will be able to run Windows Containers.

Below, I’ll show you how I setup a Linux Container In a matter of seconds.

Note: Before you start, you will need to have Cloud Shell enabled.

To get started, I click on the Cloud Shell Icon

Next, I’m creating a new Resource Group In East US

az group create --name Containers --location eastus

Next, I’ll create a web Server Containers with a Public IP address configured.

az container create --name container2 --image microsoft/aci-helloworld --resource-group containers --ip-address public

The public IP address will show In the configuration file after creating the container

Next, I’ll access my Container

To view the Contianer I’ll run the cmdlet below

az container show --name container2 --resource-group containers

And below Is the Resource Group

To delete the Container I use the cmdlet below

az container delete --name container2 --resource-group containers