Visual Studio 2017 And Docker Support

In this blog post, I’ll show you how I use Visual Studio 2017 and Docker to create an ASP.NET Core application and run It Inside a Docker Container directly from VS.

Because .NET Core Is a cross-platform application both Linux and Windows Container are supported.

Visual Studio 2017 And Docker

Announced late last year Visual Studio 2017 and Docker support allows developers and DevOps Engineers to run, test and export .NET Core applications to Docker Containers.


The requirements for Visual Studio 2017 and Docker support are:

Docker For Windows running on Windows 10

We must enable Shared Drives by Right-clicking on the Docker System’s Tray -> Properties (Linux Containers mode needed) -> Shared Drives

Tick the tick box and click on the apply button.

Get Started

In the example below, I’ll show you how to create a new ASP.NET Core application with Docker support.

From VS I start a new project (web) and select ASP.NET Core Web Application and click OK

In the application screen, I’ll use the Docker Support option and tick the box and select Windows or Linux Containers

In the Solution, Explorer VS will create the DockerFile and the docker-compose files

And below, I have my DockerFile configured by VS

As you can see below, VS will show the Docker support In the debug menu.

When Debug starts, VS will create a Docker container, load the code and run it code Inside the Container.

Debug with Docker

VS will also start the default browser and open the web application.

Below, you can see my ASP.NET Core application running.

Add Docker Support to Existing applications

You can also add Docker support to existing ASP.NET Core application simply but right-click on the app from Solution Explorer -> Add -> Docker Support