How to Replace Text in a String Using PowerShell

PowerShell is a powerful tool that can be used to automate tasks on your computer. One of the many things it can do is replace text in a string. For example, you might want to update all instances of “dog” with “cat”. It can use regular expressions to find and replace all occurrences of “dog” with “cat”, for example.

PowerShell Method

A PowerShell “method” (also known as a built-in function) is a collection of commands that enable you to perform an action on an object. For example, a string is an object that I can run against a function that counts how many characters it has.

Replace() Method

Now that we know what a method is, we will use the replace() method to replace a text string.

The following code example will replace the string shell with the sting PowerShell. to test the code, copy it and run it.

$mystring = "I love Shell"
$newstring = $mystring.Replace("Shell", "PowerShell")

the output will look like this:

I love PowerShell

We can also use the -replace switch for more advanced scenarios.

$string1 = "my shell" 
$string1  = $string1 -replace "shell", "powershell"

The output will look like this:

my shell

About PowerShell 7

PowerShell 7 is the latest version of PowerShell. It includes many new features, including support for PowerShell Core 6. PowerShell 7 also includes a new terminal emulator, making it easier to work with PowerShell scripts. PowerShell is a powerful tool that can be used to automate tasks on your computer.