Pull and Push Images to Azure Container Registry (ACR)

In my last article, I’ve shown you how to create a Container Registry on Microsoft Azure with Azure Container Registry (ACS) and today I will show you how to use it.

About Azure ACR

Azure Container Registry (ACR) allows us to store Docker Container images for Docker Swarm, Docker and Kubernetes access them from anywhere using a secure password or Azure AD credentials.

ACR comes in three pricing plans based on storage and security features.

Get Started

After creating my ACR, I will connect to it using the details showing in the Azure Portal.

Below you can see the command that I am using with the Container Registry address and the username and password showing in the portal

docker login --username ntweekly --password password ntweekly.azurecr.io

After connecting successfully to ACR I will see the line below

Upload Image to ACR

Next, I will upload a Container Image to ACR, but before that, I must tag my image using the line below.

docker tag httpd ntweekly.azurecr.io/httpd:v1

After successfully tagging the image I will use the push command to upload it

docker push ntweekly.azurecr.io/httpd:v1


When the upload process is done, I will check the portal to verify that the image is available.

Deploy Web App

If I write click on the image, I have the option to create a web app from the image.

Based on the image type I have the option to create the Web app (Linux or Windows and deploy it directly to Azure as a Container instance.

I can also see how much data my image takes.


I can also use ACR to pull \ download my images to my machine or a container host from any machine that has an internet connection.

docker pull ntweekly.azurecr.io/httpd:v1

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