Microsoft Intune New Management Console

In this blog post, I will show you how to manage Microsoft Intune using the new management console, which is being enrolled gradually.

The new Microsoft Intune console comes with a new URL compared to the old one which was part of Microsoft Azure.

Direct URL

You can access the new console using the following URL.

Security Focus

If you look at the new left pane menu, you will see that Security has more focus and now when you click on endpoint Security you will be redirected to the security section

which has the following main features:

  • Device compliance policies
  • Conditional access
  • Microsoft Defender ATP
  • Security baselines

Device Management and Polices

The best part of the new console is that it lets you access all polices and manage them from a single location.

If you click on Devices you will get access to view, manage and configure all your devices and polices.

Quick Stats

The new Devices page also provide great access to enrollment statistics which is very useful as you can see in the following image.